Must-See YouTube Videos about Recruitment Consultant
Understanding how recruitment consultants work and think can be a game changer for new candidates finding their first jobs, or those looking to change careers. Following videos are a must watch, and provide ways to understand recruitment consultants and their needs.
A Day in Life of Lead Recruiter Maggy Khamis
Maggy Khamis is Lead Recruiter at AutoDesk and shares her experience on how recruiters work. Recruiters are working hard from home, or their office work to find the right talent. They go through a host of lists and individual candidates on a daily basis and find the right candidate for the right job. As she explains how the recruitment consultant industry works, the video is a good way to understand what recruitment consultants are looking for. She also shares how individual candidates or recruiters shouldn’t feel bad about rejection, as it is part of the process. All individual eventually find the right fit and the right position. However, the market is highly competitive and recruitment consultants need to get the right pool of talent that will help make the client organization effective and productive.
Pros and Cons of Recruitment Consulting Jobs
Tetyana Tania, a technology recruitment specialist provides how careers in recruitment consultants work. Like any other job, there are many positive and negatives about a career in recruitment consulting. A recruitment consult is a middle person who acts as a bridge between an organization, and a candidate. It is important to understand that before becoming recruitment consultant, it is important to have tolerance and patience, it looks like a sales job but in the context of hiring individuals for the growth of their own, and their organization. Recruitment consultant companies need to work harder, have high analytical skills, and naturally display high personal skills. Candidates may accept other offers or will take time to confirm. Understanding of human behaviour and psychology is critical for success here.
Recent Recruitment Trends
TED Talks are one of the most informative things we can see in recent history. They provide us with great insights on how the world works, and how individuals strive to make it better. In 2017, Stefanie Stanislawski, famous CEO and Founder of Predictive People shared her insights on how the workplace and the talent needed to manage it has changed. Her talk focuses primarily on millennials and how artificial intelligence is being applied by recruiters to find the right set of talent, and if they can cope up with the extreme pressure of the new challenging workplace. Her emphasis on the need for data and how it helps to understand if an individual will be able to adapt to challenges.
Many recruiters do not share the reality that if a candidate would perform in the long term. Hence, many candidates leave their first job within the first six months and move to the next choice. Hence, candidates need to understand how recruitment works, and recruiters need to be alert about how a candidate may work. Recruitment consultants should take a host of metrics such as candidates ability to communicate, write emails, ability to be creative, and if they are introvert, extrovert, or narcissists before hiring them. This makes the candidate get a suitable job that suits them, rather than rushing into hiring.