From Old to New: What to Expect During a Knock Down Rebuild

From Old to New: What to Expect During a Knockdown Rebuild

Your dream home is not looking like how you envisioned it? Most people would say move out already, but what if the location is just too darn good for you to do that? You see, moving out is too much of a hassle. First you must find other properties, buy the land, pay a new real estate tax, and the list goes on. It can cause a massive financial strain on you, not unless you score a house and land package. But what if your area is also quite beautiful? It’s just that your home is not as comfortable or as pretty as you envisioned it would be. Then the perfect solution for you is a knockdown rebuild.

A knockdown rebuild is convenient since you will be rebuilding your home on the same property. It can save you the trouble of having to buy new land and depending on the conditions of your previous house before its demolition, some of the old materials can be used to save costs. There are plenty of options to choose from currently on where to avail knockdown rebuild in Melbourne, but before delving into that, let’s first look at the process so we can manage your expectations.

Seeking Legal Permission: demolitions are dangerous jobs, and these types of scenarios require prior approvals first from local councils. Depending on your area, you can either get one easily or not (especially if you live in historical heritage sites). To add to that, there will be some additional documents needed, like permits, such as the Asset Protection Permit. That’s why, to avoid hurdles like these, it’s best to do prior research beforehand or consult with specialists on your situation to avoid going through the red tape.

Designing your New Home: If your application gets approved, then it’s time to start from scratch and put that dream home of yours into reality properly this time. Consider collaboration closely with your builder to ensure a sustainable and durable home. Check for things such as the site’s terrain, block size, and overall condition. Carefully plan your house so that it follows regulations, like those in flooding, and the properties around you to see if there will be issues in accessing your residence once it is finished.

Planning the Demolition: Here you will be needing to find your own demolition specialist; make sure you provide them with the necessary permits from the local government prior to the demolition planning. Make sure that you and the demolition specialist give prior notice to all utility services nearby like water, electricity, and internet to give them ample time to shut their services (you don’t want to cause a hazard or a major inconvenience to everyone). Once this is all cleared, then the demolition can begin, and all you need to do now is wait and let the specialists do the work. Normally, your new home can be completed in a year or less.